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Best Weight loss Green Tea- Greenfit

Buy Best Organic & Natural Green Tea Online in Delhi NCR - Greenfitonline https://greenfitonline.com/

health benefits of green tea

 You must include these foods that can improve acid reflux and can also reverse it.

  1. Green Vegetables such as beans, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumber and leafy greens help the body to recover from acid reflux as they are low in sugar and fat, thus reducing acid in the stomach.

  2. Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties and it is a natural treatment for heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems. You can consume small pieces of ginger in the form of juice or tea. It helps to ease the symptoms.

  3. Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber. It absorbs acid in the stomach and reduces acidity symptoms. Oatmeal with fiber-rich vegetables is the best meal to consume when suffering from acidity.

  4. Non-citrus Fruits such as melons, banana, apples, and pear are less likely to trigger reflux symptoms than acidic fruits.

  5. Healthy Fats such as avocados, walnuts, flaxseeds, olive oil, sesame seeds oil, and sunflower oil helps in easing acidity. You must reduce your intake of saturated fats and trans fats and replace them with healthier unsaturated fats.

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